Category: Questions and Answers

How to Find a Web Designer

Once you’ve decided that it’s time to redesign your website, then you will need to find a web designer. I know that many of you are thinking, “I don’t need a web designer. I can just have my cousin do it.” Let’s take a quick walk down memory lane and revisit the years when Mom […]

How to Avoid a Generic Looking Web Design

“Please don’t notice us! We are just like our competitors,” said NO business ever! The truth is, that companies now compete in a global market and competition is stiff. To gain market share, a business needs to stand out from the rest of the crowd and for most, that means that their website must stand apart. […]

Is Web Design Dying?

Every year or two, “experts” come out of hiding and spout off about the death of web design. Then, after stirring things up, they slink back to their corners and business continues as usual. Web designers continue to develop proposals, accept new clients, and build beautiful websites. So, why then, do these people continue to debate […]

How To Profitably Generate Leads For Your Service Business

If you can’t profitably generate leads for your service business, then you don’t really have a business. People don’t know how much a new customer is worth to them. How much does it cost you to get a new client? How much will a single client generate in new revenue dollars? Can you improve your […]

How Does Your Website Fit Within Your Business Model?

The buyer’s journey looks different depending on the type of business involved and the industry in which it operates. For some, the leads are generated before anyone ever visits their company website, but for others, the site is their primary lead generator. Knowing how your company’s clients move from Point A to final conversion will […]

Is On-Page SEO Enough to Rank on Google?

There are two types of search engine optimization (SEO) that can improve your ranking: on-page and off-page. The first, on-page SEO, is absolutely necessary if you want the search engines to categorize your site. Some web designers include this type of search engine optimization as part of their web design package and others do not. Yet, […]

The Legalities of Copying a Website Design

A website contains many different creative elements. The overall design relies on images, videos, text, and of course, the underlying code. Some of the parts, such as the code used to create footers, is common to all websites but other elements are unique. Copyright laws protect these aspects of a site. However, the legalities of […]

Easy-to-Update Websites: Custom vs Template

There is a business concept I recently encountered, called ‘phantom deliverables.’ The idea behind this term is that a business can deliver a product or service that the client never asked for and did not even know they needed. For instance, many of our clients come to us for a beautiful website. What they actually […]

How to Layout Your Website Homepage

I know a secret about Internet marketing that you may not and it directly affects how you should layout your website homepage. Here you go… The Internet - all of it - is nothing more than advertising. I am not just referring to the ads that appear on Google Search results or the Facebook ads […]

What is a Custom Website Page Template?

The purpose of this article is to explain what a custom website page template is, how it works and how it applies to your website project. But before we get into exactly what a page template is, let’s talk about why you need to know what it is. What is a Custom Website Page Template? […]

Is Your Site Invisible to Google Because of Bad Coding?

Do you have a website that’s not ranking on Google? If so, then it could be a result of bad coding. A lot of SEO companies would have you believe that you have to pay a ton of money each month to rank on Google. But the truth is, it’s possible to get on Page […]

How to Convert Leads into Sales Using Email Newsletters

Your business cannot grow unless you accomplish two things, keep the clients you already have and acquire new ones. Sales and marketing are so important that Amazon lists over 86,000 books that claim to know the best way to convert leads into sales. Within the digital world, you often find the terms ‘Sales, ’ and […]

What is the Average Lifespan of a Website Design?

Modern websites neither look nor function like the ones created in the early 90’s. In fact, today’s websites don’t even resemble those created three years ago. Technology changes and so have the rules of internet marketing. Consequently, many older website designs are obsolete. So, what is the average lifespan of a website design? Can you […]

How to Create a Website Sitemap

The most important step in creating a website comes before your developer ever writes a single line of code. In order to build the best possible website, you should first create a website sitemap. Failure to properly develop a sitemap causes many projects to fall apart. Because this process is so important, we want to […]

How to Prepare for a Website Design Consultation

The process of designing or redesigning your website requires a lot of preparation. It helps everyone if you know which resources you have at your disposal before you ever talk to a web designer. Does your company have access to quality images? Have you designed a logo or developed a style guide for printed materials? […]

What is UX Design? Our UX Design Process

Getting your message to the right prospects presents a challenge. First, your website needs to rank in Google; then you have to entice the user to click on your URL. Most website marketers focus on these two hurdles and forget about the third obstacle. Even if you draw a potential customer to your site, if […]

How to Write Website Content that Ranks on Google

The content on your website drives both your organic and paid traffic. It determines where you fall in the search ranks, and it establishes your credibility in the marketplace. Every article you write must be for two audiences: the general public, and the search engines. To reach the former, you must satisfy the latter, but how do […]

Why is My Website Running Slow?

If your website is not ranking in Google, then one of the first things you need to check is its speed. To improve the user experience, Google penalizes sites that don’t load in under 3 seconds. Rather than assume you need to improve the search engine optimization (SEO) of your landing pages, instead you should […]

Rejected! Gallery of our Free Mockups that didn’t work out

People often wonder if our Free Mockup Offer is legit. It is. We custom design mockups for all qualified potential clients. First, we send you a detailed Website Questionnaire to get a full understanding of your business, your customers, and your design needs. This Questionnaire includes things like other sites you like the look and feel […]

Why don’t I get leads from my website?

Website Lead Generation Not getting any leads from your website? Wondering why that is? In this article, we will go over in checklist fashion some key things that might be holding your website back from turning website visitors into leads. People are not finding what they are looking for Here’s how I think of a […]

How Long Does it Take to Build a New Website?

Want to know what the number 1 question I get from most potential clients? If you’re reading this article, you probably have already guessed it. That’s right. How long does it take to build a new website? The answer I give to most people is the same… It depends on several things. Depends on what? […]

Why Do People Hire Web Designers? Web Designer vs Website Builder

Hiring a professional website designer isn’t cheap. The cost of working with a design firm can start at $5,000 and go up from there. So, why then would you pay so much money for a new website when you could use another service such as Squarespace, Wix, and Weebly and build a site for free? Let’s […]